Judy Yu

Portfolio 3

I entitled this Final portfolio Switch On/Off, which states for on and off mode of me. Switch on mode is the regular and the daily side of me. Switch off mode is the other side of me, which only will appear outside of school and only those who are close to me will know this side of me. I was inspired by a Japanese entertainment show; it is mainly about the transformation of the girls. The show talks about Tokyo’s nowadays fashion and beauty. How girls looks like after their appearances were transformed.

Through this project I want to show audiences the other side of me, which they are not familiar with. A print of three portraitures of me, but each looks totally different. In regular day I don’t dress up like that, yet if there no school, that is how I look like. People might feel unfamiliar with, but to those know me like my friends, they are familiar with it already y. They often said I have variety sides, for example when I wear a dress, I will behave more like a girl; when I dress up more like a hip hop style, my behavior will be more boyish.

I actually did two prints, one is using the stencil and the other one is using Any Warhol’s commercial illustration technique called “blotted line”. For the screen print, I only did one layer of black, but this time I tried to use a different medium. I used watercolor and my cosmetic to apply the color. The second print, I used black ink and watercolor. For the background, I did repetition of pattern with the market and watercolor.


Portfolio 2

In my second portfolio I decided to do about a K-pop star that I admire a lot, but before I talk about my role model, I want it to give a little background about what K-pop is. K-pop is a tremendous tendency in the world right now; it is taking over the world. So, what is K-pop? K-pop means Korean pop is a term that was being use in South Korea Music industry. It refers to all genres of popular music and it expanded its popularity starting in the late 2000s. I personally got impact a lot by K-pop, I have tons of Korean pop songs inside my phone and it is my daily routine to listen to it on my way to school. Although I don’t understand Korean but music is a worldwide language, you don’t need to understand the language; you could just listen to the music and enjoy the rhythm and the beat. Similarly, K-pop starts bring a fresh sense to fashion, therefore, it had influences my everyday apparel.

In this series of work I chose to do a portraiture G-Dragon (Kwon Ji-Yong), because I got inspired by him frequently. For instance I studied fashion design because of him; I was often inspired by his style and outfit. He is a fashion icon, whatever G-Dragon wears; it will become a trend on the market. Yet, he is also a talented artist. He was well known as a leader of a K-pop male group, Big Bang. Whenever G-Dragon publishes a new song, which song will take down the first place in the music industry, most of all I never miss any of his songs. Due to his popularity, everyone in South Korea or Asia knows who he is. However, everybody knows him because he is a K-pop idol, a star, a fashion icon. But without all those titles, do their even know who he really is? I bet some people recognize his face but they might not know his real name! For that reason, I did two prints of G-Dragon; the white paper print was the one that used pastel colors to create an illusion of him on stage or in public, the hash tags and the icons of the social medias                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  him were to shows how famous he is . The other print was printed with black background to shows the audiences, who he is when he is not in public, so I printed his real name. Also, I draw dots all over the portraiture to create a comic style. I want to show a contrast in between these two prints.

Portfolio 1

The inspiration of most of my works is people or things that related or surround by me, for example: family, friends, pet, etc. For the first project my subject is my dog, Tweety. Why a dog? I selected my pet because she is the most cherish thing I ever had in this world. Tweety just passed away, but she is always in my heart. She is not just a dog, yet is my best friend and family. When she passed away I was not there with her, so I decided to use the last photo that I took for her to do my first print. In my series, I did two prints with different background, and I also did an enlarged postcard that I wrote to my dog. The reason why I want to do a postcard because I want tell her how much I loved her and glad she was my dog.

So I used Tweety’s portrait for my first stencil and I printed two colors: black and pink. At first I hand draw, then I use ink pen to transfer it on transparency paper. I think my transparency is a bit too dark, but the final result is fine. I didn’t play around with layering because of the lines. If I did multi-layers, it will be so confusing. Then, for my second stencil I did a frame for the cover of the postcard, and my hand script for the back. For the postcard, I did two separate prints; at first I printed the dog, then the frame on the same paper; after that, I printed my hand script on the other sheet of paper and last I glued both and stick it together. For my other two monoprints I used different media to create the background; watercolor and marker, both of this were my often use material. For the black print, I used watercolor to build up a dramatic heaven background so it looks peaceful and soft. And for the pink print, I am focusing on repetition of line; therefore I used black maker line with a pattern of flower and fulfill the whole page.

Throughout my first series of prints, I tried to create my feeling of love of my dog. It was my first printing, and I still got a lot to learn. Hopefully for my next print I can explore with more colors and layers.

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