HyeChin Chi

Portfolio 3

I like travelling. I like it so much that I believe life without travelling is hell.Travelling is the driving force behind my life, and it always brings positive thoughts, and also provides a breath of fresh air. The biggest catch of travelling is the fact that I can meet many people. Just the thought of times spent interacting with people with different cultures, using different language, meeting people from very different walks of life, talking, sharing memories, and the same time, bring happy and magical feelings. Far away from their daily routines, most people whom I’ve met during travelling were relaxed and free. Therefore, people I met during travelling were always relaxed and open to everyone. I like these things.

As I always meet the same people repeatedly in my ordinary life, I make exceptions during my travels. I become a different person. I become talkative, make people laugh, and sometimes help people. Finding your other self is another catch travel can provide. Up to now, I have travelled many places than normal people, but I still have so many places I want to travel to, and I also want to meet more people. By communicating with these people, I hope to see the world in a bigger scope, and through their life stories, I hope to help people in need without any conditions. World… Earth came to my mind. So, I used acrylic paint to make the backdrop to depict the sea that takes up half of Earth, and used silk screen to express the people I will meet in the future in abstract form. The reason I expressed people abstractly, is because I do not know who I will meet and what will happen in the future.  Travelers do not have precise plans and go as the wind or the star commands, which means that travelers go where nature leads them. Therefore, I used colors such as green, yellow, light blue, and white to express the natural feeling. I used dots and lines that look like contour lines because I thought of the course of my past journey has followed up to now and my future’s footprints.

Portfolio 2

I have traveled every weekend on my parent’s back since I was a year old. My parents loved a travel as much as they went on a picnic to the mountain and amusement parks nearby when they couldn’t go far away. I have not dreamed of my life without travel by the influence of parents. Travel is my energy as well as driving force of my life. I can say that the works of this time are my traces or memories of my travels. I have felt and experienced too many things traveling 45 countries so far and each country has its own exclusive colors and feelings that I felt. So I expressed that my memory for travel was always vivid, happy, merry and valuable by using various colors to the background. The travel was my trace and past that already passed at the same time, so I would like to express the dim feeling like old film by coloring with roller to the acrylic panel and spraying water on it and scratching.  After that work, I printed my foot print, those who I met during my trip and the experience of not whole but partial travel using dry point on the printed back ground.

The shape of pinwheel was created from very personal feeling. Pinwheel turns violently by the strong wind, softly by the soft wind and it stops when the wind stops so does my trip.  Not tied on one place but flows freely along with wind, sometimes slow walking but stays for a moment by good ties. I think that my trip is ‘like pinwheel’. The thing to be desired in this work is that I didn’t do individual work of colors of memories of each county that I left my footprint as I had no time in reality.

Portfolio 1


The key theme of my work is mainly about ‘me’. It can be considered my self-portrait. This is the question that I asked myself a long time ago. “What is it that I know best of? The answer to this question came out in less than 10 minutes.   It was “me” that I know best of. Since then, the theme of all of my works has been ‘me’. And I have found my expressions for work grown richer than for any other theme and an object. My works proceeded so smoothly, without bumps and humps.  Who else can know ‘me’ better than me?

In the work this time, I wanted to express my innate personality, character, desire to escape from my character as dull as achromatic colors, and ideal character as well as my past, present and future at the same time.  With achromatic colors and several touches of layering, I expressed my past in which I was hard facing tens of thousands of events and personality formed by them.   And then, I wanted to show myself restring my own colors bit by bit, being different from whom I used to be when I was colorless, using subtle pastel colors, though not strong color.   Finally, I wanted to create the ideal character of me wishing for being more active, having more diversity, and more talents by filling as many colors as possible in one space.  Here, I needed stencil work cutting paper to the shape and using a brush because it was difficult to imbue various colors in the small space of a silk-screen. Here is my hope. I desire the audience appreciate my work, have curiosity of me and thus give a second look at my work.

Chi. Printmaking image list

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